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  • Maya Threads: A woven history of Chiapas, by Walter F. Morris, Jr. and Carol Karasik.  Photoghraphs by Janet Schwartz.  Thrums, LLC, USA, 2015.

  • Guia Textil de los Altos de Chiapas; A Textile Guide to the Highlands of Chiapas, by Walter F. Morris, Jr., Alfredo Martinez, Janet Schwartz, Carol Karasik. Thrums, LLC, USA, 2011.

  • Destino Chiapas, by Carla Zarebska, Zare Books and Chiapas State Government, 2008. 38 photographs by Janet Schwartz.

  • María Sabina, Soy la mujer remolino, by Carla Zarebska, English translation and interpretation by Janet Schwartz and Carla Zarebska, Zare Books, 2008.

  • Geometrias de la Imaginacion, Chiapas,  by Walter F. Morris, Jr., Pedro Meza Meza and Janet Schwartz.  National Council for Arts and Culture, Mexico, 2006.                                                          

  • North American Congress on Latin America, Report on the Americas; the Wars Within, Counterinsurgency in Chiapas and Colombia.  “The Aftermath of Acteal,” a photo essay by Janet Schwartz and photographs for “The Escalation of the War in Chiapas,” “Peace Talks, But No Peace,” “Who are the Paramilitaries?” and “The Lessons of Acteal.”  Vol. XXXI, No. 5, March/April 1998, pp. 6-21.  Also photographs in other editions to present.

  • Winds of Change. Journal of American Indian Science and Engineering Society for American Indian Education and Opportunity, “Sna Jolobil-Mexican Mayas Weave Craft into Art While Preserving Culture,” by Janet Schwartz and Walter F. Morris, Jr., photographs by Janet Schwartz.Vol.13, No. 4. Autumn 1998, pp. 18-23.

  • DoubleTake. Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, “A Bishop’s Conversion,” by John Womack, Jr., photographs by Janet Schwartz and Antonio Turok, Vol. 4, No.1.Winter 1998, pp. 26-36.

  • Terra Nova: Nature and Culture. Quarterly Journal of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “Come with Me to Reality,” by Frank Bergon, photographs by Janet Schwartz, in Reckoning, Vol. 3, No. 1. Winter 1998, pp. 16-34.


Maya Threads: A Woven History of Chiapas. Walter F. Morris Jr. and Carol Karasik; Photography Janet Schwartz; Publisher, Thrums, February 15, 2015.

A Textile Guide to the Highlands of Chiapas: Guia Textil de los Altos de Chiapas Paperback – January 13, 2012 by Walter Morris Jr. (Author), Carol Karasik (Editor), Alfredo Martinez (Photographer), Janet Schwartz (Photographer)

Guia Textil de los Altos de Chiapas; A Textile Guide to the Highlands of Chiapas; un Guide de Textile Vers Les Hautes Terres du Chiapas; by Walter Morris Jr. (Author), Carol Karasik (Editor), Alfredo Martinez (Photographer), Janet Schwartz (Photographer); Asociacion Cultural Na Bolom A.C., y CONACULTA, 2010; OUT OF PRINT.

Diseño e iconografía Chiapas : geometrías de la imaginación. Walter S Morris; Oscar Oliva; Sergio Carrasco; Pedro Meza Meza, Janet Schwartz. Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Mexico). Dirección General de Culturas Populares.; Consejo Estatal para la Cultura y las Artes de Chiapas. Publisher: Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas : CONACULTA ; México, D.F. : Dirección General de Culturas Populares e Indígenas, 2006. OUT OF PRINT

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